Monday, September 29, 2014

A Back to School Prayer

As our students return to Religious Education classes next week, we listen to what Jesus taught his disciples and the crowd that gathered for the Sermon on the Mount.

Matthew 5:14-16

 You are the light of the world.  A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.  Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house.  Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.

Lord, we gather with a common heritage – our faith.  We gather with a common purpose – to teach that faith.

As a small faith community, we pray for our students and ask that you show us how best to instruct them and share the faith with them.

We pray for our students’ parents and ask that you show us how best to support them as the primary educators of their children.

Help us, Jesus, to bring your light to the children of our parish
In the light of faith, Lord Jesus, help us to show one another how to live faithfully, hope joyfully, and love courageously.  Amen.

                                                      Pflaum Publishing Group  2013

 ~ Cheryl Kreifeldt

St. Michael's News Connection • Week of September 28th

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Blog about Blogging Pt. 2

My turn up to bat. Peter is the Blog Boss and reminded me that it’s my turn. Last time I made a wager. I offered to pay $1 to charity for every person that emailed me and said they actually read the blog.

Even though I received 75 hits, I only had to pay $42. I think some of you thought YOU had to pay $1. I’m still not convinced peeps read the blog, but if you do, take a minute to remember and pray for our precious Sr. Celestine and Sr. Finbar. They are settling into their new home in Parris, CA and I pray they are happy and comfortable. I truly miss their sweet faces.

I’m not sure if I’m blogging properly but do you really care?

Much love to you all,
Alice Beas

Sunday, September 21, 2014

New Look Same Great, Welcoming, Compassionate, Loving... Parish

This weekend we are releasing a new logo to help spread the word about our wonderful Faith and parish to those around us. This is a celebration of all that we are here at St. Michael's!

Also, in anticipation of the upcoming feast of the Archangels (on September 29th) our Pastor, Fr. John Dolan, has released a book about St. Michael the Archangel which includes an excellent, easy to follow novena to St. Michael. A copy of the book can be purchased (for $10) at all Masses this weekend and in the office during the week.

Finally, we are debuting this welcome video to let others know what we are all about here at St. Michael's and to invite them to be a part of it. Please share it!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Precious the Wood

"Precious the wood. Precious the nails. Precious the weight they bear!" 

These words, uttered by the patron saint of our diocese, St. Didacus (San Diego), are fitting as we celebrate the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross.  These were San Diego's last words before he died.

The last words before Jesus died were, "Into your hands Lord I commend my spirit!"

The total abandonment of Jesus – to commend his spirit – was The moment of our salvation. Humbling himself to become like us in all things but sin, being humiliated and nailed to a cross, and abandoning himself to the awesome majesty of God, was Jesus' ultimate reward.  He now reigns with our Father in heaven.

Commending his spirit to God, he commends us as well. He does not condemn!  He commends!

Precious indeed is the wood, but nails, and the weight they bear!

Father John Dolan