Monday, June 24, 2013


    What is the oldest memory you have?  One of mine is visiting my paternal grandparents.  Each time we arrived in that small Pennsylvania town for a visit, Grandpa Hackett would call us over to his chair for a handshake.  Contained within that handshake was always a shiny new dime for us.  It was such a thoughtful thing to do and we were always excited to get a brand new dime!  (It bought 10 pretzel sticks at the corner market!) 

    Now that I am a grandparent, I work on viewing my new responsibilities as a grandparent from a child’s point of view.  What makes a difference to that child/children could be as easy as a big smile and a warm hug…a nighttime pajama walk…looking for that special star…telling a story about their parents when they were young…(and boy, do I have a lot to share!)  It’s my turn now to love those kids up in a very special way, just like the Good Shepherd loves his little lambs.  What a privilege.  Thank you, Lord. 

~MJ Heggeness

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fr. Neal's Notes - Week of June 9th

Being a Catholic mom or dad is a privilege and a big responsibility. In one months time we will honor mothers and fathers with prayer and praise. They are and have been entrusted to raise kids to know, love and serve God. For me, they are the best examples of what it is to be disciples of Christ. I pray for all of them, living and deceased. May they continue to assist us on our own journeys of faith by their example and holiness.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Fr. Neal's Notes - Week of June 2nd

There is a real need to feel welcome in any parish. The desire to "belong" is still the strongest and most important desire of every parishioner. Over the years surveys taken in parishes throughout our country indicate the need to develop ways to become more like a family. As a large parish this  has become out greatest challenge. For this reason, our Hospitality Commission has established the first Sunday of each month as "Welcome to the Parish" Sundays.

Our first "Welcome to the Parish" Sunday was on June 2nd. The reaction was very positive and full of sincere appreciation. There's no doubt these monthly welcome parties will continue here at St. Michael's Church.

Check out my tweets this week to read some of these new parishioners thoughts and reactions!

St. Michael's News Connection - Week of June 2nd