Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Blog about Blogs

For the next week or so, I will still be the newest member of the St. Michael’s Parish staff.  Being a newbie, I do everything I am told to do.  Peter told me it was my turn to write the ‘blog’.

Hmmm.  Blog?  I will act in-the-know and read what everyone has posted thus far.  Staff members have written some really great blogs!! I will follow suit and write my ‘blog’.  I pondered and pondered for an interesting topic.  I asked the Holy Spirit to give me something people would want to read.  Then it hit me.  Are they reading the blogs?  Am I going to stretch my creative writing skills for the sake of filling space and keeping the blog current?   In reality am I writing this hoping someone will read it verses knowing that someone will read it (besides Peter)?  So I decided to make a wager to raise awareness to this blog.  For every person that emails me and says they read my blog, I will donate $1.00 to my daughter’s charity, ‘Limbs for Life’.  She is currently working in the Tijuana canal connecting homeless men and women with prosthetics (there’s a great story there….saving it for my next turn at the ‘blog’).  Send me a note to let me know you read this and I will donate $1.00 to the cause.  How much do you think this is going to cost me?  Stay tuned and I will let you know.


  1. Hi Alice,

    You're off to a great start. Great blog post!

    As I read this I thought what an awesome way to get the ball rolling, I'm thrilled to be part of a donation campaign that contributes to such a worthy cause.

    Hope you get tons of readers :-)


  2. HI Alice
    I'm a bit later getting to this but I just read it this morning. Good for you.

