Monday, March 10, 2014

Come to Jesus

 "Come back to me with all your heart"  Hos. 14:1

Sometimes when I sit alone before the tabernacle in our little chapel, I ask Jesus if he ever feels lonely, day and night in all the tabernacles of the world. He just smiles and says "Come sit awhile with me". 

Ten Reasons to come to Jesus:

1.  Jesus is our Savior. Come to him for forgiveness and healing.

2.  Jesus is the Door.  Come in and abide in his presence.

3.  Jesus is the Bread of Life. Come and eat at the Table of Plenty.

4.  Jesus is the Light of the World. Come to him and walk in the Truth.

5.  Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Come into his fold; he will lead you and care for you.

6.  Jesus is the Vine. Come, stay united with the source of life-giving Grace.

7.  Jesus gives Living Water. Come, quench your thirst.

8.  Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. Come, and be filled with Hope.

9.  Jesus brings us Peace. Come to him and he will give you rest.

10. Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit. Come to him and be empowered to spread the Good News.

During the long Lenten Retreat of Forty Days, JESUS INVITES US ALL to "COME". 

Sister Celestine

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